I don't have a TV. But today at the gym, I had the opportunity to tune into a variety of programs blaring from about 10 TVs in front of the cardio machines. I watched CNN for awhile and FOX, and finally turned my attention to The Wendy Williams show. What the...frig. My headphones were plugged into my iPod, but I could see thats she was discussing John Travolta's...........HAIR. WHAT? His hair? Really middle-age women of America? This is what you want to be informed about? Why would you want to use any brain cells on trying to examine John Travolta's new hair piece?
Is it that it's easier to turn off your brain to anything actually concerning anything of substance or that we honestly get some temporary high in filling our brain with bullshit? Probably a little bit of both.
The ideas, products, media and visuals we consume all form what we are. What are humans but the material they consume and ideas they think? Consuming trash media day in and day out, definitely has to correlate to how you think and evaluate your surroundings. Magazines primarily focused on how to become thin and make men "love" us are all over the shelves. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that girls think love is when their boyfriends buy them expensive things and the way to make them worship you is acting slutty and stupid. That's cool.
I was reading the other day that eating seeds from a fruit is actually more statistically proven to cure cancer than chemotherapy. Besides the fact that this means that we're most definitely completely uninformed about anything that benefits us besides those substances that create profit for corporations, it also makes me think that a big factor in causing cancer could definitely be connected to what we as a society are consuming on a daily basis. Processed, nutritionally deprived foods that are wrecking havoc on our bodies and minds. That probably doesn't have a positive affect on what your ever-recreating body becomes.
It's cool to learn. Being 21 and relatively naive about almost everything, I'm not trying to sound pompous or superior in intellect at all, but let's at least attempt to fill our minds and bodies with things that will empower us rather than enslave us to whatever the hand that feeds us tries to shove down our throats.
Peace out.