4:18 AM
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Lesson # 12 The Road Not Taken.
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Unknown |
I was fortunate enough to be able to come to Rome about a year ago. I marvelled at all the typical sites, the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican, and the Colloseum. On this trip, I wanted to come back because Rome has been one of those places in my life that has made me feel most alive, with the beauty and history lingering around every corner, you cannot help but fall in love. When we got to the Vatican this time around, the 3 hour line made Ava and Malea opt out. We decided to go walk around, explore the city a little. We had seen a big green area on the map really close to the Vatican and decided to check it out, hoping it was some sort of park. After hiking up a long, steep hill to reach the top, we realized we could see the entire city from above. After getting ice cream cones and finding a cozy place to park our tired bums, we sat upon the hill watching all of Rome. It was one of my favorite experiences of the entire trip. I heard the Pope was shaking hands that day down below at the Vatican, I think we made a good choice.
11:49 AM
**Having quite a few of those "magic" moments in Rome ;D
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Lesson # 11 Follow the Magic.
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This sounds ridiculous and I'm aware of that, but I believe this statement more everyday. Someone recently worded some encouragement to me this way the other day and I'm glad he did because it's so fitting. I meet so much negativity about my life choices and how it's not the "correct" path. I just keep thinking, if I'm happy, then I'm doing something right. There's no "correct" path and what's fulfilling for me, does by no means have to be fulfilling to you. I say, if life is good, and you're creating more positivity in the world than negativity, then let's live and let live. You have one life, now go chase that magic.
**Having quite a few of those "magic" moments in Rome ;D
7:51 AM
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Lesson #10 Less is More
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My Macbook broke yesterday. I would mind, but now I'm thinking I can sell it and make a few Euros while lessening my load. That's definitely the lesson of this entry. YOU DON'T NEED AS MUCH AS YOU THINK. This can be applied to European food portions (and how much less they are compared to their American counterparts), their tiny coffees, or how many possessions you need on a journey, whether it be for a month or your entire life.
The girls made fun of me when I was about to die carrying my backpack and gasped "WHY DO WE NEED MORE POSSESSIONS THAN WE CAN CARRY," but I was SO serious. I understand certain limitations to this "rule of thumb," but I think it makes a lot of logial sense to just own less. I think it's true that the possessions you own, end up owning you. Thanks Fightclub for your never ending wisdom.
P.S. Italy is amazing, I'm currently set on retiring here. More later.
The girls made fun of me when I was about to die carrying my backpack and gasped "WHY DO WE NEED MORE POSSESSIONS THAN WE CAN CARRY," but I was SO serious. I understand certain limitations to this "rule of thumb," but I think it makes a lot of logial sense to just own less. I think it's true that the possessions you own, end up owning you. Thanks Fightclub for your never ending wisdom.
P.S. Italy is amazing, I'm currently set on retiring here. More later.
3:53 AM
Friday, June 17, 2011
Lesson #9 The Art of Doing Nothing.
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Neuschwanstein Castle
We arrived in Munich on the 14th, absolutely exhausted and pretty on edge. The train rides aren't bad, but they take so much energy with our huge backpacks and bags, that they just end up completely draining you before we arrive anywhere. Munich is nice; German is untranslatable to us, the culture is alien and the city is understated compared to the rest of the famed spots we've visited, but it may have been exactly what we needed.
At this point we are more than halfway through our journey and starting to run out of juice. Ahead of us is Italy and we leave a mess of cities behind us. Yesterday we went out through the countryside to see this beautiful castle, and that was honestly about all we did over the last 72 hours. I'm sitting in the hostel lobby waiting until our train leaves at 9PM (We're taking a night train and checkout was at 10AM, it's not 10:51AM) and almost basking in the thought of not doing a thing all day. I could sit here with my coffee, walk around, and just watch everything around me while being completely content. Tonight our beds will be train seats. Tomorrow we'll be in Italy, and the whirlwind will ensue. But today, I'm just going to sit and watch the day unfold.
1:22 AM
We went to Le Louvre today! I can't believe I actually saw the Mona Lisa. Being in Paris feels like being in a movie. Seeing the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower is almost unreal because you feel like you've seen them so many times before and it almost takes away some of the magic in seeing these famous works of art. It was funny, after seeing all of these masterpieces, the things I was most happy to experience were simple and unremarkable. Being with my friends in a French cafe, singing in our apartment and walking around the streets of Paris under beautiful trees among the old buildings made me realize how special daily living can really be, if you only take a second to realize how amazing it really is. You don't need the Mona Lisa to see something magnificent, just look at the sky and everything ordinary around you.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Lesson #8 Masterpiece of Daily Living.
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12:35 PM
I can't understand most of what is being said around me. It brings out this necessity for humbleness I've never felt before. Being humble is always a great trait to have, but it is a must when you are constantly at the mercy of others. I can't wait to be able to speak French more fluently, it's so lovely hearing it in conversation. This is the most beautiful country. Margot has walked us through town everyday and the square in the center is the most charming thing I have ever seen. It makes me want to get my masters degree abroad. Being constantly surrounded by this beauty and antiquity has to be good for the soul and mind.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Lesson #7 The Humble.
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I can't understand most of what is being said around me. It brings out this necessity for humbleness I've never felt before. Being humble is always a great trait to have, but it is a must when you are constantly at the mercy of others. I can't wait to be able to speak French more fluently, it's so lovely hearing it in conversation. This is the most beautiful country. Margot has walked us through town everyday and the square in the center is the most charming thing I have ever seen. It makes me want to get my masters degree abroad. Being constantly surrounded by this beauty and antiquity has to be good for the soul and mind.
1:05 PM
Monday, June 6, 2011
Lesson #6 The Sweetness
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Just go get an ice cream cone today. That's all.
12:11 PM
We can check off remaining calm, I think the girls and I are getting better at it. Next our patience needs some attention. Dealing with four different agendas and personalities along with a million other people trying to navigate Barcelona is a challenge. We need patience when sharing a bathroom with 20 other hostel jumpers on our floor and with the language. My spanish is not the best but so many locals have been so patient with me and I very much appreciate it. Good things come to those who wait? Maybe so.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Lesson #5 Patience is a Virtue.
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We can check off remaining calm, I think the girls and I are getting better at it. Next our patience needs some attention. Dealing with four different agendas and personalities along with a million other people trying to navigate Barcelona is a challenge. We need patience when sharing a bathroom with 20 other hostel jumpers on our floor and with the language. My spanish is not the best but so many locals have been so patient with me and I very much appreciate it. Good things come to those who wait? Maybe so.
5:41 PM
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lesson #4 REMAIN CALM!
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I'm horrible at this. I'm sitting on my bed in a hostel in Barcelona with a patch over one eye and in serious need of any kind of food, but IT'S ALL GOOD. We spent 20 hours and went through four airports in order to get to Spain today and I had a shard of glass stuck in my eye the whole trip. WHATEVER. Being here and relatively safe reaffirms the fact that I'm going to NEED to remain calm this entire trip because losing it causing nothing positive and makes the situation a thousand times worse.
With four girls, five countries and 8 different cities, we have a sizable venture ahead. It's already gotten a little crazy but with a little luck, we'll not only survive but have the most amazing adventure thus far. I can't believe I'm here.
With four girls, five countries and 8 different cities, we have a sizable venture ahead. It's already gotten a little crazy but with a little luck, we'll not only survive but have the most amazing adventure thus far. I can't believe I'm here.
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