Thursday, June 27, 2013

أنا الحمد لله


They said inspiration is like God blowing through you for an instant. And it's not that I believe in "God" I don't think. I think it's more like I believe in order in the chaos. Interconnectedness on such a large scale that we can't comprehend. But it seems like you're everything because everything is made up of you. And she told me to observe life like a film, but HOW? Well I've been asking for what I need. And it's been appeared. And I've relaxed when it hasn't presented itself as I imagined, because I imagined. And everything's manifestation so how are you looking at it? Are you noticed the flower growing through the crack or the littered streets? So can you give up looking for something, because if you can't loose that fine target, you may miss the point. It could be looking at you while you're looking for something else. So relax and let the Universe unfold. Thank God.

أنا الحمد لله

Sunday, June 23, 2013

We are all One.


Eternal Life


Sometimes I'm swimming in my own head and lose sight of the clarity of the sun. That's when I know it's time to grow. Those moments where I'm sinking and my mind is bad is when I look at the internal makeup. I was telling her about letting go to find it. And skinning yourself to breed life. And what does that mean? I don't know. Dismiss the dead and embrace the eternal life? That balance. Of dark and light and death and life? 

To be continued...

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