Sanskaras. are the imprints left on the subconscious mind by experience in this or previous lives, which then color all of life, one's nature, responses, states of mind.
Years pass before you realize you haven't grown up. Sometimes that's something I champion on my shoulders, other times that lack of growth is crippling. Free spirit, wise soul; I'm speaking to you. (To me.) Where are you? Your words slice souls, and even when they're easy to forgive they leave scars deep within the mind. How I yearn to burn off all these imprints from time. That timeline you use to get from there to here. All that has happened. In a way your mind can comprehend. Because you're always thinking, and always swinging, depending on those thought qualities. Every body movement, glance, and interaction leave those impressions. How do you go on when the scars are still bleeding? How do you stop the swinging mind? Find the stillness. Let their be chaos. And be the stillness. Resonate what your soul is, pure love. Express that through your words and actions steadily, for whatever stream of vibration you send out, will come back and you will bathe in it. Whether with love or with fear. I need more hearts burned into my chest.