Sunday, January 16, 2011

Today's discovery: Flower of Life.

My friend Sarah was telling me about this last night. A few days prior I had a long conversation with my new friend from Washington D.C. who hitchhiked with us from New Orleans to Austin on his way to New Mexico. He was explaining to me in very simplistic terms what the "golden ratio" was. I think it's best explained here: Golden Number

It's suposed to depict beauty and balance in structures and be the most visually appealing to human senses. I never fully understood when philosophers or mathematicians would decipher the whole world with mathematic formulas but this could be the start of a shallow understanding.

Flower of Life

"These are not words I'm making up, these are the actual words that were used in ancient times to describe this. I think they called it the Flower of Life because it looks like a flower and because it [represents] the laws and proportions for everything alive and even not alive; everything that's manifested."
-Drunvalo Melchizedek 


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