Sunday, August 14, 2011

Natural Beauty

I've really gotten the chance to enjoy some wonderful music recently, but something just struck me as funny a moment ago. I'm sitting, listening to the rain outside my window and I can't help but think it's the most beautiful sound I've ever loved. Why is everything created by nature inherently the most basic and powerful form of beauty? (Makes me think of Plato's "forms") Everyday I step outside and look at the trees, sky and flowers, I can't imagine anything humans could duplicate being as magnificent. How lucky and futile are we in trying to create beauty in a world so abundant with natural sublimity. 


Anonymous said...

I agree that there is so much beauty in nature that goes unnoticed. Those who don't take the time to appreciate it are missing out on so much.
But I think man is capable of creating beauty, it's just how you look at it.
People make beautiful things every day, just look at what you parents made.

Unknown said...

:) You're right, it's great to recognize the beauty in everything my friend.

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