Where did you come from and how did they separate your physical body from mine? When did our molecules duplicate and become two separate entities? Because I am sure that you are me. I don't need to love you. I don't need you. But here I am, at your doorstep. You live in my head. All you are is already in my awareness and you make sense to me as naturally as my thoughts pass through my head. Do you make sense to anyone else? Not the way you do to me.
I can read your mind and I think your thoughts. Maybe before you even knew you thought them. What is this? Is it love, or projections? I am sure. I've always been sure with you. Because there's nothing to lose and everything to gain.
There's nothing left to try to be. The box is gone.
There's nothing left to try to be. The box is gone.
We are The Player, Sam . . . and we are The Field . . . no difference . . . it's about resonance . . . Walk on . . . Scott
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