I was just reading a blog about "8 Simple Affirmations You Should Whisper to Yourself Daily" and the last one was about "being in the moment," which I have written about several times before, but this is different. The affirmation recommends living in the moment because the only time that is real, is this very moment. This got me thinking, it seems impossible to understand the fact that tomorrow and yesterday aren't real because the only thing you can experience is the moment you are living through. This is what I mean, tomorrow can not exist because you can not understand what tomorrow is without experiencing it. Then you can not experience it without it being now, and then not tomorrow. So when it becomes now, it is no longer tomorrow, but the moment at hand. So tomorrow never exists, the future does not exist.
Yesterday is harder, because I have memories of what it was. But memories are just interpretations of what occurred at a different place and time. That reality is no longer real either, because your subjective interpretation of it is just that, your own reality, not what really happened, but your thoughts about it. And you only have those thoughts in relation to what is actually occurring to you in this moment, not that one.
This helps for one main reason, it releases stress. The only thing you have control of is how you spend your time right now and how you choose to perceive. Once you master this, the rest should be easier to cope with.
It's not impossible. It's just another habit that you start catching yourself in once in a while; you learn to figure out what fears and wants drive recurring thoughts, feelings, or memories, and you learn to attend to them one moment at a time. It's tricky, but once you get the hang of it, your experience of the universe blossoms.
Ah ha, I like this. I want to think about this for a bit.
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