Monday, April 9, 2012

Not so sure.

I promise I'm almost done with "The Fountainhead" so I can stop quoting it. But this excerpt parallels recent lessons I've learned:

"Once she asked him: 'You're happy, Petey? Aren't you?' He looked at her and saw that she was not laughing at him; her eyes were wide and frightened. And as he could not answer, she cried: 'But you've got to be happy! Petey, you've got to! Else what have I lived for?" He wanted to get up, gather her in his arms and tell her that it was all right–and then he remembered Guy Francon saying to him on his wedding day: 'I want you to feel proud of me, Peter...I want to feel that it had some meaning.' Then he could not move. He felt himself in the presence of something he must not grasp, must never allow into his mind. He turned away from his mother."

Don't waste your life chasing the wrong things, I imagine it will be a grave realization if you ever confront it. What does it really all amount to, besides the people you'll live on through after your gone and the experiences you've had while you were here? Not so sure.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh Grasshopper ;) . . . it takes time to figure out what the "wrong things" are . . . you'll make mistakes . . . in the meantime, learn to forgive . . . let go . . . Peace to You Sam. Scott

Unknown said...

Life is the adventure.

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