Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Girl, You Get Too High

Someone once told me "Girl, you get too high." I never understood what this meant until I reached the sky and fell all the way back down. Girl you get too high. It's no fun living on a cloud when it rains. And I thought I wasn't sensitive but then why New York? And what happens when I can't run farther than Australia? Maybe I'll come all the way back home but I'll make no clouds to sit on.

Someone once told me "Stop with your boxes, things are not so neat." I never understood what this meant until I watched everyone fall apart. People are not to be contained, people are to feed flight. If you don't understand what I mean, try and hold on tight. That organization in your head, the way you try to comprehend what's going on? Stop with your boxes and settle in the chaos.

Someone once told me "Don't worry, this too shall pass." But because of my highs and because of my lows, because of those boxes and because of those fingers, I still come back to this place. This place that manifests those feelings of bliss and despair, of family and dying alone.

This is the day I tell myself; Detach from whatever thoughts your imagination can have of tomorrow. Stand on the ground. And let go.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written, Sam . . . as you well know, there is no tomorrow . . . only a mala of Now's . . . Peace to You (from Scott:)

Unknown said...


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