We have another month in Sydney. We like it. We love our flat. And we love each other. We do miss home though. And actually embrace the idea of true winter. We're flying into Hawaii right before Thanksgiving. (We're so excited.) We want to see if it was really as magical as we remember or if we were just elated. After almost two weeks in Hawaii, MacKenzie flies back to the East Coast and I fly to Los Angeles to see my best friend. After Los Angeles, I fly into New Orleans for a few days before finally coming home for Christmas. I'll be home in a little under two months, and it seems so close. But when I think about all that has happened in the last two months, I can't imagine who I'll be, what I'll want, or what I'll have learned since the day I sat in the Sydney library and wrote this blog post.
We can feel ourselves growing. I think that's why it hurts a bit. You know, growing pains. We realized when we got here (and found ourselves broke) that this was the first time we had ever truly been on our own. (We're doing it!!!) We're paying our own rent, buying our own food, paying our own cellphone bills, and fronted the cost for health insurance. (I think that about covers it?) Never have either of us not had the option of raiding our parents fridges, or crashing in our childhood rooms for a few months. (Mommy!)
We learned two things, we could pull it off, and working for minimum wage sucks. They should just call it slave labor. It made us both think long and hard about what we wanted to do next, and we still haven't completely figured it out. But atleast we're thinking.
More soon.
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