Saturday, January 19, 2013

Be Healthy.

This is a compilation of tips I've learned over the last few years about health, fitness and wellbeing:

DRINK WATER: As soon as you wake up drinking a huge glass of water will even out your appetite and flush your system after a night of body detox. Drink water continuously throughout the day.

OATMEAL: Breakfast. So important. Sets the tone for the rest of the day.Adding a little bit of peanut butter for protein and fat and a banana makes oatmeal hearty and allows it to hold you over until lunch time. I always eat when I wake up. Some rather move their body before they fuel it.

FRUITS/VEGGIES: EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. I always monitor my fruit intake because they contain a lot natural sugars and can be high in calories but I go VEGGIE CRAZY. I'm a vegetarian, but regardless, basing your meals around a mostly veg content, will up your vitamins and keep you full by sheer size, content of your food while remaining low in calories.

SNACKS: Stick to whole foods like carrots, nuts, or sweet potatoes as stabilizing snacks. Look for high nutrients and simple foods. Eating small meals every few hours will boost your metabolism.

WHOLE FOODS: Eat real food. Whole broccoli, carrots, bananas, apples, sweet potatoes. Things that come from the Earth. Things that will keep you full and nourish your body.

MOVE: Do something physical everyday. Move as much as possible. From opting to walk up stairs and around the block, to hitting the gym, or even some YOGA.

LOVE YOURSELF: You're just trying to be an even better version of the already beautiful YOU.


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