Monday, February 4, 2013

Design Your World

Accepting all these phases in life with this realization that this is what they are. They come and they go and everything constantly changing is what makes this life so beautiful. She said in a class the other day, "you can relax, or you can remain anxious, weird, and awkward." Yeah, I know that feeling, I feel like that a lot. Stuck in my own head. But they were also talking about accepting what's coming your way as it shows up. Seeing those visions of towers (like Any Rand says), but staying present. Being aware of what's happening. Watching it. Because here is where you are, and each foot step you take in this moment is determining where you're going, so choose wisely. With an infinite number of universes linking together, you can navigate your path with a clear mind. It's taking those circumstances and designing a moment that suits you the most within your power. Can you do that? It's the only thing you can do. Predetermined existence? Only if you think it is. It's the only thing that matters for your unique consciousness. Because that makes you conductor, the divine. So design your world with your mind. 


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