Friday, April 26, 2013

Going Up


The shadow and the light. Part of be that manifests that radiating light also manifests a darkness that I never know whether to sit with or stare at from a passengers seat and try to see the light rays through the rain out the window. Change course. To change perspective or to accept. Or both. That low in the belly feels so uncomfortable that I'd rather block it out. But I find the inner most light comes out of those moments of shadow and that roller coaster bottom out. She was telling me I'm a receiver, to watch my life and find the truths like it was on a movie reel. And I understood what she meant but I had already confused myself for a manifestor. Or maybe I had just misunderstood the manifestations. And now what to do, besides let those manifestations happen before my eyes and leave the forces and shaping to the Universe. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Heart Center


They told me to keep writing with wide open eyes. To record this experience that I'm interpreting as life. Because something is growing within me and I can feel the shift. Towards love and awareness of energy and I don't think I've ever felt as steady as after I looked inside. And started being aware of those sensations, those overwhelms, those tingling toes. And I feel it with my hands in center with my thumbs plugged into my heart. That open channel to all and that center root to one. One is all. All is one. Namaste.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Energy Symphony


There's that balance between light and dark that is like a dance of the energy we're composed of.  Well of energy not being created or destroyed but physical manifestations, duplications and mutations happening through every fabric of time what does that say of your own individual universe? That the energy is aways constant but the vibration is constantly in flux. Like vibrating in between those overlapping dimensions that map out the infinitive potentials of your conscious path. You navigate it with your mind. Increasing or decreasing that vibration manifesting your own reality and own experience of your awareness of life. Universes of energy in universes of energy in universes of energy. All dancing at different vibrations deciding their conscious or unconscious experience of themselves or in our specific case our lives. Energy forms that have thought in lettered words that try to capture abstract idea. Humans! Idea is what? Newly formed energetic reaction to a stimulus! Why is everything a metaphor for all is one and one is all? The same components in different arrangements. So think as an orchestrator composing a symphony beautiful enough to be your experience of life. Which notes will you choose?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Control Your Vibration

My Yoga Online

The truth is that you really are responsible for your own experience and that you cannot control the way other people treat you no matter how hard you try. It is easier to sit back and judge reality by saying that people should treat you a certain way and that they are wrong whenever they don't. However as long as you sing the tune of should or should not you set yourself up on a righteous path towards the vain attempt to change other people. When you want someone in your life to act differently than they are, you create resistance to them and the way they are acting. The old statement that the more you try to change it, the more it stays the same hits you square in the face. The more you tell yourself that your friend shouldn't speak to in that way and get angry and frustrated about it, the more your friend continues to speak to you in exactly that way. You could in fact spend the rest of your life issuing moral dictums about the way other people should or shouldn't treat you. That would be an awful waste of the rest of your life, especially since you have absolutely no control over the way other people act.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

a practice.



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