My Yoga Online

The truth is that you really are responsible for your own experience and that you cannot control the way other people treat you no matter how hard you try. It is easier to sit back and judge reality by saying that people should treat you a certain way and that they are wrong whenever they don't. However as long as you sing the tune of should or should not you set yourself up on a righteous path towards the vain attempt to change other people. When you want someone in your life to act differently than they are, you create resistance to them and the way they are acting. The old statement that the more you try to change it, the more it stays the same hits you square in the face. The more you tell yourself that your friend shouldn't speak to in that way and get angry and frustrated about it, the more your friend continues to speak to you in exactly that way. You could in fact spend the rest of your life issuing moral dictums about the way other people should or shouldn't treat you. That would be an awful waste of the rest of your life, especially since you have absolutely no control over the way other people act.
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