Do you ever take for granted the simple fact that when you speak, those around you understand what you mean? Thanks to language we can communicate with each other like no other animal. No matter what we're feeling or thinking, there are usually words, one or many, that we can use to express ourselves to those around us. This is so beautiful!
I find writing beautiful in this way, because whenever I have an "AH HA" moment, I can sit down, and write to the few people who actually read this blog, or just to myself for later, but I can record and communicate a feeling, idea, emotion; almost anything that can spark in my brain can be translated. I LOVE THIS.
I had to write about this today, because I met two new members of my growing family. Since I figured out who I was a few years ago, I feel like I've been picking up a handful of special people everywhere I go and I met two amazing folks today to add to that wonderful collection. To meet people who not only can rebound just about any idea I frantically spill out, but understand it (seemingly always better than I do myself), have felt it or contemplated it, and can elaborate upon it makes me almost bubble over with excitement. How lovely is this world? How lovely is communication and understanding? Amazing. BEAUTIFUL, lovely, brilliant.

I had to write about this today, because I met two new members of my growing family. Since I figured out who I was a few years ago, I feel like I've been picking up a handful of special people everywhere I go and I met two amazing folks today to add to that wonderful collection. To meet people who not only can rebound just about any idea I frantically spill out, but understand it (seemingly always better than I do myself), have felt it or contemplated it, and can elaborate upon it makes me almost bubble over with excitement. How lovely is this world? How lovely is communication and understanding? Amazing. BEAUTIFUL, lovely, brilliant.
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