I really wanted to write this entry about meditation. It is an art I've attempted several times with no avail. Whenever I sit down with the intentions of remaining still, concentrating on breathing, and clearing my head, I end up doing exactly the opposite and need to get up within 5 minutes to open a window, clean a dish or just plain move around.
I had a breakthrough today. I sat on my bed, after a pretty below-average morning, and was able to at least sit, breathe, and sort of clear my mind for the better part of 15 minutes! This is HUGE. My biggest battle with reading is being able to sit still long enough to make any serious progress. How many people out there are so conditioned from moving to one distraction to the next that the thought of doing nothing in mediation for 20 minutes is ridiculous?
I want to work on this. Besides feeling extremely relaxed, I think there must be a lot of potential in the art of mind control, thought screening, or just plain sitting still. The only reality we have, is what we let enter our brain, and how we feel and think about it, so if you could learn how to really master that, think of the possibilities! This brings me to everyday waking consciousness.
I've been finding recently that I have been having remarkably wonderful days. The funny thing is, when my sister and I retold the story of our day yesterday (a shining beacon of happiness as far as any day hopes to be), it sounded completely mundane. We... went to the doctor (two of them), we ate lunch, visited her father, and just hung out. But it had nothing to do with the things we were physically doing. It was all about the state of mind we were experiencing it all through.
Besides the fact that my sister makes me extremely happy, I realized, my summer thus far, has been so marvelous, because I am awake. I spend most days doing arts and crafts, or reading, or chatting with my Mom or Mackenzie, but every detail of that day, big or small, I appreciate. I mean, the taste of the coffee, the heat of the sun, the sound of the birds, or just being alone under a tree. I love it all. I feel so awake.
I had a breakthrough today. I sat on my bed, after a pretty below-average morning, and was able to at least sit, breathe, and sort of clear my mind for the better part of 15 minutes! This is HUGE. My biggest battle with reading is being able to sit still long enough to make any serious progress. How many people out there are so conditioned from moving to one distraction to the next that the thought of doing nothing in mediation for 20 minutes is ridiculous?
I've been finding recently that I have been having remarkably wonderful days. The funny thing is, when my sister and I retold the story of our day yesterday (a shining beacon of happiness as far as any day hopes to be), it sounded completely mundane. We... went to the doctor (two of them), we ate lunch, visited her father, and just hung out. But it had nothing to do with the things we were physically doing. It was all about the state of mind we were experiencing it all through.
Besides the fact that my sister makes me extremely happy, I realized, my summer thus far, has been so marvelous, because I am awake. I spend most days doing arts and crafts, or reading, or chatting with my Mom or Mackenzie, but every detail of that day, big or small, I appreciate. I mean, the taste of the coffee, the heat of the sun, the sound of the birds, or just being alone under a tree. I love it all. I feel so awake.
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