"Grassy Path" by Jennifer Gaillard |
How does it seem like one morning the sun shines clearly and you can hear the birds again? You awaken to realize that everything fits and all the struggle and walking in the dark made sense because they brought you exactly where you needed to be and you can feel and see the path ahead laid out in front of your feet as a sunny dirt road lined with grass and dandelions with the bluest skies hanging all around you. I see it. I feel light.
That's the way! . . . The Way . . . there is a sunrise every day, though you may not see it . . . birds sing every day . . . it is for us to see and hear :) Scott/Darmabum
or, as Annie Dillard put it: Beauty and Wonder exist in this world whether we wish them to or not. Our only obligation is to be there when they occur :) (Smile is mine, not Annie's) . . . Walk on . . . Scott
I love that. Thank you Scott!
If you haven't already, you might look up Annie Dillard. A good place to start - Teaching a Stone to Talk. A great person to walk with . . . see with . . . Scott
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