Lesson of the morning is to "remain calm and carry on." I've been trying to be serious about meditating once a day and clearing my thoughts. What I've really gotten from it is that you do have the power to control what goes in and out of your mind. I try to kill negative thoughts as soon as I realize I'm thinking them and embrace the positive ones. If I could just not let myself get carried away in the highs of life and stay grounded and rational through all experiences, the lows will be easier to cope with. I'm not trying to say to resist excitement, or love or any of the good stuff, just to always remain centered. I watch myself, and my family deal with the ups and downs of life as we all try to survive the growing pains of our early twenties, and I can't help but think what it would be like if we could all just remain a little more calm and centered. I'll let you know if I ever get there myself.
SO much wisdom and balance is inside every person, keep working towards it everyday.
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