Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Philosophy and Practice of Universal Love

The Pali word metta is a multi-significant term meaning loving-kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pali commentators define metta as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-kamana). Essentially metta is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. Through metta one refuses to be offensive and renounces bitterness, resentment and animosity of every kind, developing instead a mind of friendliness, accommodativeness and benevolence which seeks the well-being and happiness of others. True metta is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Metta is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love.

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joe said...

This explains why ron artest, the biggest dbag in pro bball changed his name to metta worldpeace after assaulting a fan.

He still hits people though.

Anonymous said...

This is very much The Way to go, in my opinion. Ego-less, with no interest in the results . . . Pure Love . . . it can be, it has been confounding to many in my life (it is, after all, not the 'norm') . . . but in doing it day after day, month after month, year after year, some people start to 'get it' (and anyone 'getting it' is not my intention, or necessary for my own continuance of the practice). I will say that this realization/revelation has done more for me than any other single intentional Way . . . :) Good stuff, Sam - Scott

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