Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lesson #8 Masterpiece of Daily Living.

 We went to Le Louvre today! I can't believe I actually saw the Mona Lisa. Being in Paris feels like being in a movie. Seeing the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower is almost unreal because you feel like you've seen them so many times before and it almost takes away some of the magic in seeing these famous works of art. It was funny, after seeing all of these masterpieces, the things I was most happy to experience were simple and unremarkable. Being with my friends in a French cafe, singing in our apartment and walking around the streets of Paris under beautiful trees among the old buildings made me realize how special daily living can really be, if you only take a second to realize how amazing it really is. You don't need the Mona Lisa to see something magnificent, just look at the sky and everything ordinary around you.


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