Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's all in your mind.

Yesterday one of my best friends was in a panic when she couldn't be near someone she loved when she felt scared and insecure. She fell hysterical and as my sister and I sat and tried to calm her down, we kept repeating to her, "you're safe, you're in bed, you're warm, we have food, water, everything is going to be fine." Right before this experience, I was reading "epiphanies" someone posted on the Internet and one of them explained how most of your life happens in your head. You make up most of your own problems and most of the time don't have much to be worried or complain about at all if you sit down and realize all you have. Once she sorted things out in her own mind, she was fine, and we ended up having a wonderful day because she was mentally ready to.

Around the same time I felt upset about the communication in one of my relationships. After talking about it and seriously thinking about what I was actually saying, I realized I was making up the whole thing. Not only had I never really tried to express what I felt, but I didn't even actually need a shift. It seemed like I was looking for something to be upset about. Are we all just making up dialoges and problems in our heads that don't exist, while the fact is all that is really going on is usually far less dramatic and troubling?

I bet if we could all tweek the way we thought about our lives, friends, and lovers, not only would we be happier, but we would lead more positive and fulfilling lives.


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