Friday, September 21, 2012

Nadi, Fiji

Fiji's a bit different. We arrived days ago and we felt a bit off as soon as we got here. (Maybe having something to do with instantly knowing we wanted to live forever on the North Shore and having to leave?) Anyway, the airport made us feel a little weird, with constant unwanted attention and some strange mating noises from the men surrounding. But we we're met by three awesome guys that worked at our hostel which made us feel a bit better. We don't really mind the hostel, the most people we've seen around since we've gotten here. Outside our little street though...there isn't much.

There's a beach across the street that we've been frequenting but it lies in the shadow of anything we saw in Hawaii (We heard we need to make it up North, but we're a bit too broke at this point). After feeling a bit odd all the first day, we ran into this woman who scared the crap out of us with her stories of rape and robbery, telling us we shouldn't be going to ATM's alone or wear our hair down or any jewelry. We already got a weird vibe but this made us feel really strange.

Everything's pretty cheap, so we've been taking the opportunity to practice yoga, read, meditate, and just relax a little before we get to Sydney in a few days. We still don't really have any idea where we want to live once we get there, but we're not that worried about it. The idea of getting a campervan and living out the back of it, is a definite possibility.



Anonymous said...

Camper van . . . YES!

Safe travels Sam

Unknown said...

stay safe, you girls are smart :)
trust your funny feelings about whatever it may be!!!

<3 tatiana

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